Cambridge Evening News from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England (2024)

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Cambridge Evening Newsi

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

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31 CADBURY I PATTISONS' COCOA Absolutely Pure therefore Best WHISKY "Tkt itmArt of khkmt miritu- I Iamcst I Tn PUBUCABE WABKBD against IBS Me' el Cocoa "ii i -i i'- i i JETOBOTAl Von Ha M40 Fricb ONE HALFPENNY HBnnK 'naaBPaav nawahMB TVJ CHEAP PREPAID SCALE l' iiuirs I ran 6 nm 'JfrUk'v i i mo LET THUHLMEBB HOUSE Abbey-road-X Apply 5 The Causeway Cambridge 16 0s6d la0d a WW IV A -M TTIfl nn (HEAT lABtlU BATXlfAT KEXPTON PABK RACES BARTON SON Bog reapaetfally to bdsobboo that they are bow Bhowisg their Firat Dalivary of iUXlUtt' IJIBV UD Kb LET tL WafarBkoet Old rNJUE8DAY Adoost 10th 1IS7 CHEAP IS lsOd Xe0d Be M-40 U8i Is 6 fc- 63 Naraark AUGKlxABtD BOAD iTXWItABXET B0AD Cocseoa- tive Ineertioes koojbb lrge uaraen TICKETS anil ha vr uAjuiHuua Four Booms Snail Shop: 9L Lieln atwM TktM CAltBBTOMo LONDON (LiTerrtreet aod St BooniaSa6d: 6 Si KatthawMonA Poor WUB for ihe Donfaie Jowrasy ThirdViaaB'4s "''H ta9 vBftH 64 ts Od 4b Od Od West of England and Scotch Suitings iKiIa 4 ww aaiaia Juan ian jaaai raMMMWfi THE mO BE LET with imniadiaU ATBUaMe far latorn tha same day from Lrrarppolj atrest at or 6J0 or by a Bpeeial Train IsaVfa*g LjrotTwol-ohaatailApandSSl appro 56 pay "'-V ij' otatainmc to OBOVENEWm BOVB NBWNKAM to to aidKiaed to Ma Job Biun KHMgw IN THE NEWEST SHADES FOB SPBINO AND SUMMER WEAR i- Alao a Larfla Variatv of Rhada in Bomaa Two Kitahia Fwa Badroonw ami: 1B ThbbMIi (tmaiiit Appty to Ctaunt Hot a' aad WnBTf AwaWoaaari and Land Aganto 66 Bi AiaaWa atwat AN TUESDAY Aooosir 10th 1607 CHEAP IX CBECUBOQ8 andl6TrinHyitPmbriafB yi 'iaptB-i JBBftV CANTOON A KHAKI FOR RIDING BREECHES Artists: 4 AMCXA Halilax BhafoojMsnnhrrtar Stoclmqr LrforpoolT Flannel Smtings troin the Best Makers in "Sale: MUa 00 IittlM ob QamOrMga at pjs Bt Itsb rirjpjl tfJlL4l uOfUopi ALSO GENTS' BOATINQ OUTFITS fXORBUQATED BOOFING SHEETS I rrrCoB0R abb TlnnrTss niBTsltl Tsrsisl Baoek and Tha PMt OBm wUwttia do o4 P5S" dvartiMmaoU is In raaairad PSf aw nana of lha Mnoo a4mwiBf ia LiSTJK-rf Mtanad to tha daad lattar oBaa and than Socwwdad to to part with a money Afd of toa adwrtiaar -A'-' -y TAi'-: ChiBBBBBB4teoaa v- Ml MAT Lowest Priosa the Write far Jnotstions to Central BmOdiag Goods BffHBSIXJB wBJrnUIHi and WIUjlH Siv dke w's-Stbeet Cambridge Apswien riHOICE MEW PAXILTPICKLKS-Half-aalloBa Oabfaan FieoalilU aod IQaad la 4d aasm- AND AT PAPER HANGINGS uauona own la sl auowaa k-H CasW MagriaWna ttrai Iho'wIaBMMeh' iifiitnwifm oY li i Htafet 'far a BBvar' Waach! Pat lwiMtBwi Etbbx Sabbbbat ax ISO SAFFRON WALDEN and BISHOP STORTFORD f- I rf i "TOR BALE Small MahoM HOUSE dn HiatoB nad wmtar laid on-App)y Oatdaa Houa HistocHwad ChaatartoB' PAPER HANGINGS BAPKKT APPBENTKKS Wantad YOUNG ADTte Faooy and Under-Ooihin i YOUTH fat Oonanl Dw-W Pabxxb Patty-ry Cam- 'V -i--m "nBOTECT 'soar' Oardena frani rarafaa of BWa Tam Batafaw 3S aal wda tet aot ii lall ii-1'" -Vi 'ii'' 'in 'i VBT-t if I'M JWili onik all wiaftarar aant an'width: aar-a ow all -av a ruru aiab raiviBi 1 SeNKKAL SERVANT Wanta! plain rdaM OTr aa rtppliad to Boyal uaidana fO ma BLQQKER'S DUTCH COCOA -CHriicEST Purest Best VJT a Batam- aMaaij uamanoie SODA WATER POTA88 WE HAVB A VERT LAE STOCK TO yda aommow aaa handrada at taatimntela i OAaaoa Tiahiag Flaat By i i TNTKLLIOKNT BOY to dabrn 1 Umlu- gmg and Bow Buw eaaioenSOamliridga THE FAVOURITE CONTINENTAL BEVERAGE AT CON- LBlibfAHB -li Li utaur fiELScrraoMw S-fiiX'" TLNENTAL PRICES 1 TiraiHEhuta iorO a Approved of by tba XalodlBg ltWteal ltoa hot ia ti 160 CUPS: 2s 6d Pes Pound 160 odmeatad Yoath aa Unkloor HBmaa van Dolaa and liiwa eontnhtafwtth i lull II I nifl BWITVPIIT 11 tout ba inelod Theaa tanta ara white and kara WASHABLE SANITARY AGENTS STURTON BROTHERS FStiioy-Bireflt JOHN PRYOR 106 and 107 only bean naod a fittla by Har Taata PaaaJdU Wanted Uarfnl Halpa Day-girU tea and originally ooat orar' St ptotaiorlSa Oanboasnl ant A "A tDBCK Cbbwibt THEATBK ENTRANCE r- PBS DATS BEQ-ISTBY OFFICE far BEBVAHTB en 'approval Ihare fronJLSBaOa a oaanMy 01 jung-iaTCM WHiiiiAM viUUSJS Uherryfunton-rcsd Messrs ATlTiAfjK and BOND Camhridga JAMES S0UTHCOTT 69 HOIroad Cambridga DAWSON ReBent-street Cambzidm SENNITT 18 -street Cambridge WARREN and SON 51 Bridge-street Cambridge M1 FROM TO 8d tante whiol whiah nlaaaaa eana amaBe paas kTbbo uai oi suraias CaroS9BBBSBBS9BBnXBBJ sias) ppet tree-HmKBi Jobb QAaaoB QoTSmmont Dey vil also gii yon Penny Samples oi BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA iagO BBBBBB UJUUUAJUtB UUXUJti UUfjUA XU His UHTAINJSD AS ABOVE Wanted unmodiately far Cambrian and mwfnboar SZiSrS OVA CoekaCook taanla iifationa and goodwagaa far good aarrante NON-SOCIETY TUBNKB8 SJOTHS FLANEB8 CAPSTAN-LATHE TUBHEBS Wanted at Watwmw and Col Fabnoaih-roBd London BE WaXm3aato41a waaUy-ISy Works aa ahoreT suitabla eonatontamployaanl to good TBS BK ASfXKWITBTMTOBBBEENAT Cjtif! JHE BON BON 8 TXT ETON BB08 i1 119 120 FITZROY STi 1 KDBEWS FAXB-8TBEET CYCLE A baaaBlderid aalectionoINew and FURNISH YOUR HOUSE AT THE Wi MM- BUTCHEB8 Wanted at onoa a Btroof LAD CYCLES far Bala or Hiro lUehinaa 75 REGENT-STREET CAMBRIDGE bio to areas amall tnings ana ao a AU Bepairs gBarantud -i ATrial fcaeitad tONDON FURNISHING COMPANY far Ss a wask A' BICYCLE aan bo porehassil XL thronsh ROBERTBON1 CYCLE UNION CAJIBBmOE I'-: on aproieatioa by post on (UoDTTiBut xroexMCBoi too Rbouibb tob oab batb an Sbuxa FiyjoatTB WEEKLY on MONTHLY NEW HUDSON CYCLE Co A Bobbbtoob and Col' Begent- WRINGERS AND SEWING MACHINES 1s-6d WEEKLY raeeipt of atamp Btreet Cambridge mo BUTCHEBBvT-Wanted a good AU-rrtind lf AN mnst bara good rsfaranosa-Apply by letaar 1 Dml Neun Cambrian VACANCIES eeeu hi a WeH known Cambridge Fim far threa Good StoM YOUTHS a ApBnv tioes to Ptambinf and General Eugineenng Tradaa pramism required-Apply Tabob and HiiMiWiiiwm I BETTEB CYCLE cannot be obtained far PERAMBULATORS or MAIL CARTS from Is to to 2s 6o WEEKLY Ywatfher Beds tad Beddinf til BARfattred By obt twa WotIumb RRADTVR Prim lioflBn ARTIFICIAL TEETH IlMITBD m-i -rfii than at The Crele KxBhange 12 Com Cambridn Etbtt matih rne narantesd: no isaat-roaa uamonon gaapipars 2 Market-bill PIAMOS iEeu InswTnriMBt piarBateed for 10 years) 26 WEEKLY oa 0h MONTHLY BEDSTEADS 6PB1NO MATTRESSES BAIB AND WOOL' MATTBE8BES withoot Flntoa and without Pain 'GENERAL EXdELXdSNCB A VALUE good ALL WISHING TO LEARN TO CYCLE wmQ and quickly should visit tha Largest CYCLE ''CASH CUSTOMERS aboold Try bs before boybig alsawbare wo rjorar reraaa a prioo for any of onz ObooVU wo have to SELL AT COST PRICE FOB MONEY:" eeAppreniiosloiS -li VISIT TO CXKBSIJJOX EVERY MONDAY AND SATURDAY From 1UN to MO at LLANDAFF CHAMBERS SCHOOL in tha Eastern Coimtiea strict pirate and BBder ooTor alao one in open air LE880NB given all boon of tha day by expensneod Cyclists Largs Block of New and Second-hand Cvclee far safe or hire at Hrtwat CamPridgo Fitaroy- TftV THE LONDON FURNISHING COMPANY ANTED at onoa a OENEBAL 8EBYANT iQaasnaWajpHeaa all hmda of Apply RbBTB 2 MiOoad Cambridge where aaHslanoa is giyan goon ft FITZROY STREET CAMBRIDOR Park-parade Cambridge UNSURPASSED -i i ooeaApply 6 Sply 6 1 BEOENT BTBEET CAMBBI17GE nCPOBTANT KOTICE-OREAT SUCCESS riYCLEB RErENAMELLED and PLATED aa New 15b repairs a speeiabfy TITAN TED AGENTS far tha British Booms Inrest-W in0otio I-omdAoply BA I 1' --A- giiinitfajriii 1 1 UK WBmAIUjbTT AJJBNQ aan to Eabt-boad Cxcu Wobbb opposite WilhawWaW Tia Hewmameii St Xtea War PtpBrt- 1 awtagto thp bbibibI1b1s4 aauui GYCLE We oannot be beaten far HigB-olass WorawianshipajidModorata ChsaBBV Cyclsa WANTED a Yoong WOMAN age about to took after HViomTtwo inianulyoi hani-Apply at onoa NicwoLAa Alhwn street Newmarket- N(mCE OF'-REMOVAL BiwBBwABwaBBBJBunwAwB Tba ayBtoai of aaluBg everrthlrig at a amall profit aoBly of good' OBality ia an abeolnta rile at fht aboMof? TlattOaBBbriaBO Twtesa Waak tin hUafbAT Bought far Cash or Sold tor-Male KTflnsTMW or TbObbI A COMPLETE BET" OF TEETH from £1 la on Commission 100 MS always on shew ANTED at onoa Two Good CARPENTERS All that the BlsajAlS XOOXH tromSa Sd Agentaior Osmond ananew Jioason BOOTS CHEMD3T8 of avorr peso limits TtniB tmmBBB Tian ViaiJai sni Btiiiiilii TTA flesigiiwf! frarno looks all over a OraoafaBy ly MR FRANK WATERS ANTED a LAD of Good Character Brro Craw Works 63 King-street Cambridge DAW CWAMBBRS RBGKNT-BT- OAHBIUDGB PbykUfaha' Preeoriptiona are prepared with the Btmoat oare with Faro and Fresh Droga of tho i waU adopted for Lady OVafet Btatton-roaa I lammnn luotouopjn OojUBlwrttopi yree oi etiorgo Too OBBBot do better tfaaa iavaat Ja Hew HAS REMOVED to ATE of suae on xaosB now out saoi post nta an ANTED Btroog Aetira BOY tor Pony and General Wo? daring harresi-Addrass Mr Tkt Cpals "1YCLEB Before plaring your Orders sail and Ezamina the VINCENT CYCLES maker QmxsBB Eaat-rosd Cycla Works opposite Borieigh-atreat Cambridge xj new beat quality at all their establnhmenta and only aaaiatanta aBaiifwd by rramination of Fbanuv cBBAicBJSooletyaro employed for dispanaing on the Ground Floor at Mr BRADLEY Hxxxuib Thriplow Boyston WANTED a Good Apply SAFETY LADY'S 1S9T PNEUMATIC scarcely soiled fanlflees £8 15s eost Write 7a ALEXANDRA STREET (Two Doon froat Petrv-carj) -Vas ABD 34 MARKET HILL CAMBRIDGE Ait: CatalOfliie and Nett Price yw Cambridge washing pat oat waah WANTEDa GENERAL BERVANT gooTsharBwdllaouly nUin ApplyMrs CoXJOU BOOTS Ltd PiefatatBra JBMX BOOT Monn vmw mSN TlJf KB more basineH than expected has baan dons by Tdwbsbwd and Lobbb at the CYCLE- BXEB NORPOLK-8TREBT CAMBRIDGE BIGHT FRONT 0T MECHANICAL PB0OBEBS IJTBENT QTOLEB suaUn lw OaWina and Snrit oil afpIaTOAtiom to THE SHOW ROOM 8 BELMONT CYCLE WORKS CAKING OTREET SCAMBRIDGE Ithatr CYCLES ehean vat hbL Trader-Apply Mhjjb BaneWreet Cmm- i of "The Cantab" Agents for Royal Cri-" "Harriotts" and "OrmaiB" All Aeoeeeo bridga vMONBT PB1TATE GENTLEMAN to VEST BEST MATEBIAIt riao Fittinga and Bepairs te TlTANTED a Good Strong LAD for Bakehoasa VY WcXpplJiFmXA Bidnersbt PRINTING! PRINTING! OF EVERY DKBCRIPTIOH CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS OFFICE OB tbt SKILLED WORKMEN YOU CAN BUY HIRE or EXCHANGE Now and tanas tbFsnkuf Cabbot bb Bun roB Ear RuxBXBn on fond of jl Booono-Bana -vyeua as -yao UyoJe IS) Com Exchange street Cambridge Market-hill andothara atheaba WANTED yoong GD2L: good hom*o far dd-Ay DaOy yt far aeoreoy BBeerracl niato nee Boobjeet bo Writo for Art Catalogna rNE HUNDRED CYCLE8 to clear 10s to 30s TTTiflTRn Van Yonths and Bon ojt-- ia write a the Eastbbo Cooarrra TEENT CYCLE COMPANT Ltd paroaaally or by letter to A CHAPMAN TITICIAIVTEETH 86 HILLS ROADj CAMBRIDGE Baa now BEXOYED from No SO to No S6 BILL8 BO AD rofosad shortly wanmiiig to larger Stobbt Enriionmrr Aokmot LUndafl Chambers Chmbridgo a Buiwoao iammiaga EMEBY-STBEBT OAMBRIDOS LONG BATON POTTER Gebbbal WANTED GENERAL Apply JanteaHatroat Cambridge TbepaintewoBlddo well tojpisin llwiiiaaliai aad aoeja lied Brirato Hbabu Ebwabob Ltd Ones ROYAL NAVY AND ROYAL MARINES mMmi to IS far Boral Marinas A a attends the slim addreaa froin 10AS ia OnmaUa PA Fnla ChnrflhV 7 YB aad FRIDAYS TUESDA' toAtf bji BOYB between 1S and I6j years allowed (or ont-fit on WnmgdiinAUo Man aa Stokars from toK wagesl4sawwjkBatiooaFMa thmmtml JwnteM ofiwad to Mem ss ArownHH fat tOSTon 7012701 from lis vicinity of Bfeort-etratt a Young DOG white with black patoh over left days by PIANOS jy wniar aun iul desBB-jana uanv Anyone detajniiig it after thia notioa wfll bs "(' SET OF TEETH bov 1 8DIGLE TOOTH 0 2 'i-AMos aad any biforroatioB ofwwwninf th ONEY ADVANCED DADLb from to BaumuiTiao Star M' Moyai nary ipplrb7jli Omen 11a parsonally Boa nathirstress yi EW ana SECOND-HAND in Groat Variety for oaah or on eaar terrna Btooknowan N1 £100 to aH reayeotablc Hoayjioaaeru Far-Cow kaopura and Tiodglnstixoee Keepers fstnals on tbt it own Bern of band bo Wuictlliiaoss TiowinelDdoaPiaBOBat iBBlroaatrafr The attention of tho pobUo ia called to tho Superior Claaa of Work exeeuted st the above Printing Offices AUCnONEERS CATALOGUES -JDLLHEADS (all aiaea ia stock) QIBGULABS AND HANDBILLS JJ-EMOBANDUMS jyl'EMORIAL CABDS JR08PECTU8ES A RTICLES OF ASSOCIATION -J3AMPHLETS AND MAGAZINES1! A BpesiaUty for which we have exceptional ig TJOSTING BILL8 (BLACK A- COLOURED XT OF EVERY PROOF SUBMITTED ESTIMATES FBEB OvrtOBS ABB WOBXi- THEATRE BUILDINGS CAMBRIDGE iibmOjIiisi larnaeiii nreiBWi leseera ttended to: diafanee no oUootr-- tho Bioath lvB frao of ehMfB Boobs i va 1 GLORY MATCHER Bava tha 5 40 0 18 50 7 S3 12 IS 10 83 14 90 ia in UITI1 ATTnif Coil write MootifkBMioa to No 6 Chort atreet Now-eqnare (Lwbridp Hi Doasn Wrappers snd send lor partieolars of Prises to MoBBXAB and Son EnclaBjd Glory Match Works QIoooobm Tha aboverua of awdebae "VOUTHaged 15 good 1 in SoliSor's Ofioa Tradesman's AR oaaas maranteed CoDoahaAi tafarrnatkBl Fbbb dairy from 0 tffl Hoars 10 to 4 aad to boioob Hamtmoo S4 Patty-ewry Tba Boat of Valno A wamnty givoo with avory do entiraly bv Britiah Laboor and tho Aimruixieni urgana narmoninms aTBmoji oooaa EOONDjHAND 'TMTLBMENTS tf Id TOtULXor lWcnllMH LIUKNITUKE CararBlly BEHOVED in Corsred X1 Vans (bona and two man) Is 9d box bsDz- HI LEAVIS 6 MILL-ROAD CAMBRIDGE Pbiob (lata Berry) Hooao Fnnjaher ITS East road ASIX-BOOXED HOUSE to Lot in St Panl's-walk -Apply Batw 40 RegemVeteest CanAridgo a ODNAED LIME Five aad a third day pewAgea AOBBT BOB Jon BBTBBJIBtn ABB SOBB PXABOB I Braising IfUls A HOUSE TO LET rant £13 per annmn Apply UlpOwfflEe 1BOCEBY and GENERAL BUSINESS Wanted in village near Apply with par-tierfars HTSiit Great EveraW OYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LTVEB- A SLUGGISH LIVER Bwhoala 4ttau SUn POOL VJA QTJEENBXOWN TVS FBEVDLLE ESTATE 3 Humbentooe-road LAZING LINEN LIKE CHINA withoBtPolish- Ia tho caasa of a bad aitBaaeh hamdaobo ForXewTsrfc For AJ Boron Booms ovary oow Apply BoTTnooa 5 PatsyVgnry mg atom igparantaeai aaw awn Hi Btenrna UIBteihimikL Bfbta Mbbtob 199 for ST MALL SHOP in Teniaanoad (oloee to I wm lBBtor taata forred tcm atmnoaa lioartbiirTi cootiwmoBB loathing of food doJlbeBTT fooUnga low spirite sloeptaotnoai norvoofl vrini pojpttav tion siclmeoB oolds obiUa flashinfiB of boat Apply W- Woouarojr 96 MiU-road Cambridge Serrkv Tuee Aug 10 1 Bjlvania Wad Aug 11 Umsrln BasAag 14 aevthla Thur Aug IS lawat BssVauc I OephalonUTuui August II SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at roodor-ate Far ea for flrat and aaeoad elaes paoBCTgorB Also thraagh to China Japan New Zealand snd ABBtraha low Awbaal Tiella BY nHTTonnisaa want of "go or energy II yoa TWO 5-R00MED HOUSES Granta-plaoo MiH- For key and partuolarft apply Rabbit Bltsaf Tlliiilsis sail his MarM Old Tick Beans Maple Pees sad Tares alao SPECIAL CHICKEN MIXTURE and a large quantity of Con and Forage of tha beet quality at tha lowest priosa to be had at tha old satahbshsd fro of a Fbbbob 173 Bast-road or at tho Branch umtv any una ox wssn symptoma Mowsrs Lawn Itowers Brewery Uoid-etraet Uamflnqgo mo LET No 36 MILTON VILLAS Milton-road GILLING'S LIVER PILLS STEERAGE PASSENGERS to an parts of PMriosBnd Canada at low rales thoao by A huga aasartotent of NswHachinos Cranes Carta ta-road Chmbridge iraanmnmani 173 Jt: eon tain ing 8 Rooms Large Garden gas and water laid on thoroughly raaoorstedAppiy to Aanrun xxoueya om always on nana booked to now xora wiuknu WILL CURE T0U In Boxea 7)d and la lgd gPTTML PMUS otraei UanMHOgO sa-iqimm NO more Sour Milk Inferior Batter Tainted Meat Fish Baosagas Poottry ete-By using PRE-BERVINE which is sn antiseptie salt free from eolonr BafBtrs by sompetent workmen at moderate charges ftrpheata parts of Grass Mowers Baapars and Bindcn kept in stock Good Machine Oil at Ss iv Palton- 07- 1 Aonhi to Tho Cnnard Steam Bhro Conrpan? No 4 PARKER-STREET mo LET at 1 JOES 01X1130 Ftanuueiitieai Chemist tastecosroolL andaswholeaomo ssths Uroitad Lhrerpool or in Cembridge to Jobbb 6 St Aadiow'a-atreet Cambndge i or do MUl-road UOn- ohrhtdan A at aboToi bridgo MS guaran teed to kaopperiaetty dnring the most sultry weather I kngth of time or any foodkkaly and butter far any MARKET-HIIiL MARKET-PLACE SAFFRON WALDEN £2 £3 TO £300 WITHOUT FEES OB CHARGES I A PRIVATE LENDER will Grant LOANS Daily from £3 to £800 with fttrieteat Privacy lowest possible charges and repayment purely matter of arrangement Oaah Lent on Simple Note of Band no Bond amen and no Bills of Sals taken oldest established Baainess in District straightforward dealing gnaranteed Call aad see Mana C- for information (which ia Free) if by-tor enclose stamp i LET -3L PANT0N-8TREET: oosisarion at are raarvslloas and have earned Michaelmas: 9 rooms and I cellars rent £36 EADER8 for vusra Ttmnani1 of 0UB -10HN ATTEBJON'S JIBON WORKS HAVERHILL' tf MONEY LENT OH NOTE OF BAND FBOM TO £1000 Apply aa ysmon-streei tjemonan Is 6d per lb post fres Casb witmobi luotetions to largo consumers and the mO LET from Xiehaabnaa nasi himadiata posses JL aion ViTeo a FIELD of First nlssa ARABLE LAND about Taares elosa to Sbopntb Co) Gbbbbwoop (trading as I lCoBedford7 Apply to Wbiobt and BcnnaT Agents Camhridge KING EDWARD VI SCHOOL To atill farther popnlariae the Jl AMBS-: "EElILY I- JCJBWS" ANTED every Lady to WRITB to tha A'T A FEW HOUBS' NOTICE -to ProfjM- and Mabchbktbb WabbboOsb Cohvabt BoHfax mo LET Convenient T-Boomed VILLA with Bath-JL room 25 Willia-roadV-Apply Bauzb 2 Fetert- 8AEF1KAIJ)EN i-ir TorMnia Jar Patterns of Bpringsd Bubbbbbt Dress JCL stoaml- and PrtwAto' Bold Cambridge- OfAla or Fernalei aad all OtflCAti A30 'Hxixnuana 3 ALEXANDRA- aLafa FrBonairi Town and GOBBtnsia XiOW LET vi or IT saitabk far Lodgin gBonas I at iBtereat NO FEES OB FINES CHABOED 8TANWELL StA Camb1 DEJXXI advaooad fan wttaoat owwiiona 8 BEGENT STf CAMBRIDGE PxBBOBAIXT ni ASIBIPMBCS OFFICE HOUB8 941 to JO Da tiook ostiorOBrf SDBOOS --Apply Hew-eqnai mO ITFrpntB JL oombinadj terms SIAKOBD 1887 Jl 'y' Ii 11 9gUy dtenjBs'BaoSoM doBS had ttrioUy rvmmnj arnfiBsr ok os oonnvo tmiioiw I "Vv Aaaisianl Mtattr at UppiogboBi 8ohooi monnratB jtiuon-roaaunas- vI SBBtata -Cai a alao advaaeed Xrem por eent on Lweda nerwraioai7aW Life PICTOBIAL JOKES COLUMN abb- -U- I bbt aanami Jubilee -Royal Proeeesicn June Sand can PREPARATION FOB UNIVERSIT1E8 abb "INN 8wafOani Prior to Lett well ROUND THE CLOCK AAdl KaAbIIWATIOJIB rpOWLsrs natmatJUb aa4 TOU-tar and relieve of Cartons and Boo Uiwawrs uamortoge ita for framing pnstege 3d axtra IBltrBC- Aa OrigUai Cobbi with tha sss Cbxbdou Labobatobt Obbbubsbk Fxibb Cobbx For fitBBiailiiB TAmt af Xi WrSe or Call for PiowoetBg to the Bbmbbb bbtAb Java CowabTv (olahlWhefl UN) 69 laB-nt alteet CbbiIb WVja ax JLawa hrwi m- awLJwj" a aim a London TTntiniaiilaur ig naailnig mHE FLOUOH HARROW kNN (Vkingto fnll-lioaBaed with abeot 1 aore of Apefr la US ani Is tmi af an ObsbbmAs or pest frte no HELLI8 and SONS (Tha 211 and 213 I SPLENDID HOME JOURNAL Xrrmnsn ano bob Brewers laoipraige I 77 ZZ' i i let yi-f'sniiue ajhbbb: AJnuv wnai 4T.

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Cambridge Evening News from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6384

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.