Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (2024)

By: Krista

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This Asian Grilled Flank Steakis melt-in-your-mouth delicious! Marinated with a swoon-worthyAsian sauce and grilled to sear in all the flavors for the ultimate dinner done in minutes!

Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (1)

Asian Grilled Flank Steak


We finally did it. We took our first family vacation, we’ve done vacations in the past but most of the time it’s for a purpose. A 25th wedding anniversary, a birthday party, christmas get together … But never just us three!

At the beginning of this year Mike and I sat down, looked at the calendar and tried to figure out our “vacation situation.” We had a couple trips planned … Christmas, family visits and such .. and then we normally try to take a least one mommy and daddy trip a year. Just to reconnect.

But this year I also had my heart set on a family vacation. Just us three … our little unit .

Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (2)

We had gone back and forth on where to go. Mexico is usually pretty reasonably priced but we decided to opt for a quick roadtrip. In fact, we are on the way back from our roadtrip as I’m writing this … that you Verizon hotspot. 🙂

San Antonio is about 3 hours from where we live and is a fun little place to vacation. We booked the Hyatt Hill Country Hotel & Spa. It was a GREAT place to stay, especially if you have kids.

We spent our weekend floating down the huge lazy river in our tubes .. or as Cason calls them “cubes.” Built sand castles on the little sand bar they had along the lazy river. Flew down the huge water slide probably 30+ times, Mike had his own splash zone when he went down. Then Mike and Cason decided to try out the FlowRider they had .. it’s basically a machine that replicates surfing or body boarding. Cason totally nailed it … 🙂 We ended each night hanging out by the campfire making s’mores!

Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (3)

After our stay at the Hill Country Hyatt we headed over to downtown San Antonio to stay on the Riverwalk. We walked around a bit, ate lunch, then got rained out so we headed inside to play games at Dave & Busters. We finished off our long weekend adventure with a visit to the Alamo… a must if you’re in the San Antonio area.

All those details to tell you my heart is full. My phone is filled with photos and memories from this weekend that I will always remember! We had so much fun with lots of laughs … we even took our first official family bike ride on that trip! 🙂

Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (4)

Ok, now onto the thing you all came here for… the recipe! 🙂

Todays recipe is all about the grill and that asian flare! This recipe is pure perfection, you’ll LOVE the marinade and how it seeps into every part of the flank steak. This marinade has hints of toasted sesame, sweetness from the honey, tang from the rice vinegar and lime juice, saltiness from the soy sauce, and a bit of heat from the chili paste.

Yes, there are a lot of ingredients in the marinade but the taste is worth every single one of them. Be sure to set aside a little bit of the marinade to finish off the steak once it’s off the grill. It will totally take this steak from great to excellent and turn this recipe into a repeat meal for your family this summer!

Bon Appetit my friends and happy Monday!

Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (5)


Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (6)

Asian Grilled Flank Steak

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  • Author: Krista
  • Prep Time: 30 mins
  • Cook Time: 12 mins
  • Total Time: 42 mins
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Grill
  • Cuisine: Asian
Print Recipe


This Asian Grilled Flank Steakis melt-in-your-mouth delicious! Marinated with a swoon-worthyAsian sauce and grilled to sear in all the flavors for the ultimate dinner done in minutes!



Asian Marinade:

  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons tamari sauce
  • 1 teaspoon asian chili paste
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground clove
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1.25 lbs. flank steak
  • 1/4 cup sliced green onions
  • sesame seeds for garnish


  1. In a small bowl, add rice vinegar, sesame oil, fresh lime juice, tamari sauce, asian chili paste, raw honey, ground ginger, ground clove, and minced garlic. Using a whisk, mix everything together.
  2. Tenderize flank steak by stabbing the steak with a fork a few times.
  3. Add flank steak to a large ziplock bag along with 3/4 of the asian marinade. Reserve 1/4 of marinade for dipping after.
  4. Marinade steak for 30 minutes.
  5. Preheat grill to medium high heat.
  6. Place steak on the grill. Grill the steak for 4-6 minutes per side.
  7. Serve with reserving marinade mixture. Garnish with sliced green onions and sesame seeds.


  • Serving Size: 1/3 lb. meat
  • Calories: 352
  • Sugar: 7 g
  • Sodium: 409 mg
  • Fat: 17 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Protein: 41 g
  • Cholesterol: 70 mg

Filed Under:

  • Beef
  • Easy Healthy Dinners
  • Gluten-Free
  • Grilling
  • Kid Friendly


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Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (10)



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Asian Grilled Flank Steak | Grilled Steak Recipe with Asian Marinade (2024)


How long is too long to marinate flank steak? ›

Soaking the meat beyond 48 hours will just leave the surface too soft and mushy. Short soaks don't do much for the texture, even if they add flavor. Make sure to let the meat marinate at least overnight for 12 hours before cooking if you want a more tender Flank steak.

Is it better to marinate or dry rub flank steak? ›

The big advantage of dry rubs, and the reason we love using them so much, is that they don't add any additional moisture to the exterior of a piece of meat the way that a marinade does.

Should you tenderize flank steak before grilling? ›

The muscle fibers in flank steak all run in a single direction, so this cut of beef is ideal for tenderizing with a marinade and grilling over high heat. I like to marinate to help tenderize and flavor the steak and then sear over scorching high-heat until medium rare.

What is the trick to cooking flank steak? ›

The trick is to only cook for about 5 minutes on each side to medium rare. Any further and you'll risk overdoing it, turning your beloved flanks into hockey pucks. Allow resting for about 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

Should you poke holes in flank steak before marinating? ›

Marinades do not penetrate the meat deeply. Most of the tenderizing effect of a marinade will occur on the surface. Piercing the meat before marinating will give the greatest tenderizing effect.

Does flank steak get more tender the longer you cook it? ›

If you're looking for a tender and flavorful way to cook flank steak, consider slow cooking. Slow cooking allows the meat to break down and become melt-in-your-mouth tender while infusing it with rich flavors.

How do Chinese tenderize flank steak? ›

There are several ways to velvet, but at its most basic level, it involves marinating meat with at least one ingredient that will make it alkaline. This is what tenderizes the meat, especially cheaper, tougher cuts. “People go for either egg white or baking soda as they are both alkaline ingredients.

Why is my grilled flank steak tough? ›

The critical reason for this is that flank steak, although lean and tasty, is tougher than other cuts of beef due to the many long, thin fibers running through it. To help tenderize flank steak, it is often marinated and cooked by grilling, stir-frying, broiling, or smoking.

Do you cook flank steak fast or slow? ›

To get a juicy steak, grill your flank steak hot and fast and serve it between medium-rare and medium.

What is the appropriate method of cooking flank? ›

Rub a flank steak with olive oil, season it with salt and pepper and slide it onto a foil-lined sheet pan for easy cleanup. Then just broil it until it's medium-rare, 6 to 8 minutes. No flipping needed.

Do you rinse flank steak before cooking? ›

So do you rinse steak before cooking? No, you should not rinse steak—or most other meat for that matter.

Should you flip flank steak? ›

Heat your skillet on medium-high heat and add a couple of tablespoons of canola oil. Pan fry flank steak for about 3 minutes, flip over and cook for another 3 minutes until you just about reach medium rare which is 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a meat thermometer to check for the correct temperature.

Is 2 days too long to marinate steak? ›

Information. Most recipes for marinating meat and poultry recommend six hours up to 24 hours. It is safe to keep the food in the marinade longer, but after two days it is possible that the marinade can start to break down the fibers of the meat, causing it to become mushy.

What happens if you marinate skirt steak too long? ›

Over-marinating can even pose a health risk. By storing skirt steak for a long time — beyond 3 days — you may invite an unhealthy amount of bacteria to take over the meat. Chances are high that you may get sick if you eat it after this stage.

How long can you keep raw flank steak in? ›

How long is raw steak good in the fridge? Store raw steak in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. However, pay attention to sell-by dates and the expiration date. Steak may remain fresh for a few days past their sell-by dates, but you should freeze steak before its expiration date if you won't use it by that date.

How long should flank steak sit before cutting? ›

Rest your Flank steak for 5 minutes before serving, covering lightly with foil. The temperature of the meat will continue to rise about 5°F during this time (this is called "carryover cooking"). The final temperature will read 135°F.


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.